Q: |
Do I need to pay the sales tax? |
A: |
No, there is no sales tax on our site. |
Q: |
What are the accepted payment methods? |
A: |
We accept Credit Cards or Pay Pal |
Q: |
Is my payment on your site secure? |
A: |
All online payments are safe and secured. Our website has created a secure transaction environment. The ordering system we used is the industry standard for encryption technology-to protect your private information registered on our site. The encryption system provides you with security and peace of mind when your browser and local network supports the use of encrypted data transmissions. |
Q: |
What should I do if I am getting an error when I pay? |
A: |
Email to me that you have a problem with payment. I am going to solve your question as soon as possible. |
Q: |
Can I change my order after my credit card is charged? |
A: |
Please be advised that once an order has been placed and processed, it is difficult to make modification and cancellation. If you want to change your order, please click the button contact us. We shall do our best to accommodate your situation. But once your order has been shipped, the order cannot be changed or canceled. |
Q: |
How can I track my order? |
A: |
You can check the status of your order at any time by going directly to the links provided by our customer service via email. Please note that you should have the order number and email address to track the order status. We will email the tracking number to you. Please note that carrier's website may not update the records and parcel status in time. |
Q: |
How do I return a product purchased at this site? |
A: |
We design our products to bring quality and performance to our customers' active life. We feel the same way about customer service. If you need to return or exchange an item, please contact us directly by email for assistance. |
Q: |
Can I make an individual order |
A: |
Yes. I can make an individual order for you. Write to me about it and I will be glad to do it for you. |